
I’m back from the dead to continue translating. If you’re late to the party, I have been translating Slayers Special for Fighting Dreamers Scanlations for a little while now.

While I’m providing translations, we seem to have different ideas on the best methods of translation/releasing chapters, so you can expect two versions of each chapter. Theirs is released as PDF and a more literal translation from the original text, and mine will be posted in text on this site, with a little bit more flexibility in the translation for ease of reading. (Not too much though, since I’m a stickler for authenticity myself.) Choose whichever version you prefer. Or read them both and tell me all the stupid editing decisions I made. Whatever you want!

I won’t post the first three chapters here, because most of the translation is not mine, but you can download it from them here

I’m going to try and post a chapter every three weeks or so, then around 5 weeks for chapters of Slayers Excellent. Harass me if I don’t. Someone needs to keep me on my toes.